14th Coatbridge Brownie Pack
Brownies are an adventure. Ask any of our Brownies what they enjoy about coming to Brownies and it can vary from the activities and games that we do each week, our various outings and to our most recent adventure our first pack holiday. The girls also work on various interest badges once they have received their Promise Badge. Our Promise Ceremony can be held in interesting places or at special times within the Guiding movement, ie Thinking Day, and this is the first badge that takes pride of place on their sash.
Our aims are for the girls to have a safe and secure environment to come to every week, to enjoy the company of other girls from the various schools that are encompassed within the pack and sometimes to let off steam. Our Brownies come in as shy retiring girls and leave three years later grown up and ready to start their next adventure in the Guides.
The Brownies meet each Tuesday 6.30pm -, August - June
Visit the Brownies Image Gallery