Music Ministry
Music plays a vital role within worship. In addition to leading the praise, which is chosen by the minister leading worship, the organist selects musical items carefully and prayerfully, to complement and enhance the theme of the service of worship.
Before the service - The organist plays as people gather for worship. The music at that point is intended to be welcoming, and is chosen to help the congregation to prepare for worship, stilling their minds and helping them to focus on the service to come.
During the service - Music is played during the uplifting of the offering to encourage people to meditate on the sermon presented, to pray silently or reflect and allow God to speak to them in a very personal way at that point in the service. It is a continuation of worship and so the music chosen reflects this.
Music is also played during the dispensing of the elements to the congregation within a communion service. Music chosen then is to encourage the congregation to reflect on the sacrament of communion in which they are participating, and to give the opportunity for personal meditation.
After the service - The music played at the close of the service is designed to give people a lift as they leave the church, encouraging them to return to their homes enriched, challenged and encouraged by participating in worship and responding to the Word preached.
Music is also played during the dispensing of the elements to the congregation within a communion service. Music chosen then is to encourage the congregation to reflect on the sacrament of communion in which they are participating, and to give the opportunity for personal meditation.
The Choir - The function of the choir is to contribute to worship by leading the congregation in praise within the church service.
On occasions the choir sings an introit to prepare the congregation for worship, or an anthem within the service which reflects the theme of the service. The organist works closely with the minister in choosing appropriate items that fit in with worship for the particular service.
From time to time the choir extends an invitation to those within the congregation to join with them to prepare praise items for special services within the church year, such as Easter, Pentecost, and Christmas. Of course the choir is always delighted to welcome new members to join them week by week; however they fully appreciate that some who would like to do so are not free to commit themselves on a regular basis, and so can have the opportunity to participate at particular times of the year.
The choir meets at 10.15a.m. each Sunday throughout the year to prepare for the service, and also meets twice a month from September to the end of May on a Thursday evening, from 7.30-8.30p.m. in the inner hall. There is no requirement to be an experienced singer or to be able to read music (although that is an advantage); the primary requirement is a commitment to contribute to worship Sunday by Sunday.
If anyone would like more information about the choir please speak to any of the choir, or contact Marjory MacDonald, the organist. Marjory would also be happy to speak to anyone with questions or comments about music within the church.